What the Law Says About Managing Risks in the Workplace

Model Code of Safe Practice IP15

The Model Code of Safe Practice IP15 (Energy Institute 3rd Edition) is an internationally accepted code for the classification of hazardous areas in the petroleum industry. It highlights a number of important issues relating to category C / class lll (1) fluids such as Diesel, Gas oil & Heating oil.

Flammable atmospheres may be formed when flammable fluids (below their flash points) are released in the form of a mist or spray. Such fluids normally regarded as non-hazardous, should be treated as hazardous when they are pumped or under pressure and are capable of producing a mist of spray if released from a small hole or flange leak.

IP15 : Item 1.3.3

…In such circumstances, therefore, those materials classified as Class lll (1) (non-hazardous) should be classed as lll (2) Hazardous.
