An alternative view to heat transfer maintenance

Just like a doctor can use investigative equipment, such as X-rays, to identify a broken limb, maintenance engineers have a range of tools at their disposal to manage thermal oil. Here Tim Powell, remote condition monitoring expert at thermal fluid specialist Global Heat Transfer, explores the benefit of one of these tools — thermal imaging. It can be difficult for a doctor to diagnose the cause of a patient’s pain by simply looking at them. Similarly, once thermal fluid enters a heat transfer system it is no longer visible, so monitoring its condition can be difficult. Thermal fluids are essential…

Choosing a heat transfer fluid

When it comes to heat transfer fluids there is no one size fits all. Their suitability depends on a variety of factors, such as the application, operating temperature ranges, thermal stability, thermal conductivity, heat capacity and the chemical composition of the thermal fluid.  To meet varying customer needs, many high performance heat transfer fluids are available on the market and it can be difficult to select the right one. Here, we share some advice on the different types of heat transfer fluid and the main considerations when making a selection. Heat transfer fluid systems allow manufacturers to indirectly heat products…

Mineral or synthetic heat transfer fluid?

How thermal fluid choice impacts performance and maintenance In any process that requires indirect heat transfer, it’s essential to select the appropriate thermal fluid for the application — whether it’s for heating processes in power generation or cooling products in food processing. But with so many heat transfer fluids on the market, reviewing options can be a time-consuming task. Here Clive Jones, managing director of thermal fluid expert Global Heat Transfer, explains the properties of mineral and synthetic heat transfer fluids, when to use each and how to maintain the fluid accordingly. Taking the time to select the best thermal…

Why winter maintenance is snow joke

How to maximise heat transfer system uptime in winter Preparing for winter involves more than turning the heating on and digging out your winter coat. For example, blocking drafts, covering outside taps and bleeding radiators can all make your home more efficient while reducing energy costs. Similarly, when working with heat transfer systems, manufacturers can follow some simple steps to optimise their facilities for colder weather. Here Dave Dyer, technical sales engineer at thermal fluid management specialist Global Heat Transfer shares his advice for maximising heat transfer system productivity during the winter. Just like the cold weather can affect our…

Maintaining thermal fluid quality

You will have heard the saying, oil and water never mix — and this is true when working with thermal fluids. While many manufacturers focus on maintaining thermal fluid once it enters the system, how they maintain the oil beforehand is also vital to operations. Here Dave Dyer, technical sales engineer at thermal fluid expert, Global Heat Transfer, explains the impact of water ingress and how businesses can avoid it.     Businesses commonly store thermal fluid containers on site to maintain uptime by ensuring they can access oil immediately when they need to top up or refill the system.…

Quality Control

Quality control is a process which seeks to ensure that a business’ product quality is maintained or improved.   Global Oil Company Ltd and Global Heat Transfer are ISO9001 accredited companies to demonstrate that we are continually assessed on our quality management systems to ensure we provide the best products and services to the market.   ISO9001 utilises a three-pronged approach. Defined and well managed processes, systems, performance and integrity criteria and identification of records.   Competence such as knowledge, skills, qualifications, and experience.   Personal integrity, quality relationships and organizational culture.   Quality and consistency of all parameters and…

Feeling the heat

The temperature of the office is an ongoing debate in businesses globally. Employers often search for the optimal temperature to ensure employees are comfortable and productive, but did you know there’s also an optimal air temperature for industrial facilities? Here Dave Dyer, technical sales engineer at thermal fluid specialist Global Heat Transfer, explores the importance of air temperature when operating heat transfer systems and how to regulate it effectively. Temperature control is essential for any manufacturing environment — changing temperatures can have a significant impact on processes, products and people. Some applications, such as food, chemicals, plastics or pharmaceuticals manufacturing,…

Thermal fluid or steam?

Choosing the right thermal fluid Many of us start our day by putting on the kettle to make a tea or coffee. If you don’t clean the kettle, after a while you’ll probably see a build-up of limescale. If this happens to your kettle, you can repair or replace it for a low cost. It’s not as simple when working with thermal fluid heating systems. Here Clive Jones, managing director of thermal fluid supplier Global Heat Transfer explains. Manufacturers traditionally use steam for indirect heating applications in industrial processes. Steam based heat transfer systems heat water to boiling point by igniting…

Three steps to heat transfer fluid regulatory compliance

According to statistics from The Home Office, Fire and Rescue services in the UK attended 14,308 fires in non-dwelling buildings in 2020. The effects of fires in the workplace can be devastating, causing injury as well as significant damage to property and the surrounding environment. However, most fires are preventable when employers implement the correct preventative measures. Here Clive Jones, managing director of thermal fluid specialist Global Heat Transfer, outlines the three key steps to managing thermal fluids in accordance with regulations. Any facility that uses heat transfer systems containing thermal fluid must proactively maintain them to mitigate for potential…

The importance of proactive boiler maintenance

Thermal fluid systems are commonly made up of three key components — a thermal fluid boiler or heater, an expansion tank and thermal fluid circulating pumps. If all these components are well maintained, a thermal fluid system can last for several decades. However, because a boiler operates silently in the background of the facility, engineers often overlook it. Here Clive Jones, managing director of thermal fluid supplier, Global Heat Transfer, explains the importance of proactive boiler maintenance and offers advice on best practice. Traditionally, industrial boilers operated for around 15 years before they needed replacing. After years of development and…