Main requirements for employers under DSEAR legislation
From July 2006 employers must;
- Carry out assessment of the fire & explosion risks of any work activities involving dangerous substances, including thermal oils and synthetics
- Provide measures to eliminate, or reduce as far as is reasonably practicable, the identified fire & explosion risks. For heat transfer oil this means monitoring of flash points by representative hot, closed sampling and to sustain and/or restore flash points by venting procedures or dilutions where the former is not an option.
- Apply measures, so far as is reasonably practicable, to control risks and to mitigate the detrimental effects of a fire or explosion and maintain security of the system to prevent leaks and remove sources of ignition.
- Provide equipment & procedures to deal with accidents & emergencies
- Provide employees with thermal fluid management training and precautionary training . This includes ensuring engineers are aware for the need to sample correctly in order to monitor and manage flash points
Where explosive atmospheres may occur (also see Note 1):
- The workplace should be classified as hazardous & non-hazardous areas
- Hazardous places to be classified into zones on the basis of frequency and duration of an explosive atmosphere and where necessary marked with a sign
- Equipment in classified zones should be safe & satisfy the requirements of Equipment & Protective Systems intended for use in potentially Explosive Atmospheres 1996
- The workplace should be verified as meeting the requirements of DSEAR by a competent person. This would usually be the health and safety manager/director, engineering manager or operations manager/director.